Free Your Creative Essence With a Writing Circle
Join a vibrant circle to unleash your unique voice and circle up with creative community.
How a Circle Helps You Grow
There's great wisdom in looking within and even greater wisdom in connecting with a circle who does the same. It amplifies your power and the breadth and depth of possibility.
Conventional wisdom says that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. I don't know if that always applies, but I DO know that your circle impacts your ability to see yourself clearly and can either support or hinder your ability to soar.
Writing helps you capture the important bits. It's not about being a writer (many of the folks who have joined over the years didn't identify as such). It's about using a writing circle as a practice to experience who you really are.
Writing delivers clarity to know for yourself and take the next step (whatever that is for you).
Here's what I have experienced from hosting writing circles for the past 17 years and what you can expect too:
join our Free monthly writing circle
FIRST Thursday of the month
2 pm ET and 7 pm eT
Here's What Participants Have To Say ...
This program kept me committed to writing daily. I was surprised how I let the stream of consciousness flow. Adela has a big wide open heart. She speaks freely and deeply cares about others without judging them. Adela creates a safe space for expression. I am honored to call her friend.
Debra Jason ● Copywriter
The most valuable thing about the program was opening my writing ability that was stifled. Adela is so nurturing and supportive , she encourages you to keep moving forward even when you may want to stop.
Hilarie Cox ● Author
I have experienced many shifts and insights as a result of the daily readings and writings. I appreciate and enjoy the precision and artistry of Adela's writing style. Writing to prompts with no goal or objective in mind has freed the flow of my writing and shown me that I can write easily and effortlessly.
Kathleen Kunze ● Writer
Find Your Voice, Share Your Gifts
Your voice isn’t just about how you write, it’s about expressing who you are.
How Writing Circles Work
We meet for an hour on the FIRST Thursday of the month at 2 pm and 7 pm ET. There are no have-to's though there is a format.
Community Connection
Show up 5 minutes before the call starts to connect with Adela and others in the circle.
Circle Connection
We'll do a brief connection exercise (check-in or a guided visualization, etc.) to align the circle.
5-Minute Writing Prompt
A piece of writing/poetry is shared, with 3 possible writing prompts. We write for 5 minutes.
Share Your Writing/Get Feedback
Read your writing. Feedback from our circle participants is not a critique. It is what they feel/notice about your writing and/or you. This is your opportunity to be seen, heard, and witnessed. That's priceless (and it grows deeper connections)!
join our Free monthly writing circle
first Thursday of the month
Participants Say ...
I loved the energy of the group, the enthusiasm for showing up for each other. I love Adela's authenticity and that she is not afraid to share the real person and personality within her circle of influence. Adela's easygoing, nurturing self allows each person in her circle to proceed wherever, and however, they show up in life for themselves.
Peggy Lynn ● Writer
The questions were engaging and had me wanting to respond! I am journaling and writing daily! Daily journaling always transforms my life and I needed prodding to get back to doing it again! I love Adela because she is always uniquely herself, vulnerable, honest, open, real, engaging, and inspiring role model!
Morgine Jurdan ● Animal Communicator
Adela is outstanding, provocative, stimulating. She climbed out of her loss space which made me feel like she worked through some healing. The writing prompts helped me tune into myself— see what’s really going on.
Sheila Krichman ● Copywriter & Marketer
About Your Facilitator, Adela Rubio

Adela Rubio is a Writer, Circle Facilitator and Virtual Event Host. She creates experiences that spark your creative essence and unleash your innate Wild Creatrix(or). She’s hosted writing circles for 17+ years and is a long-time journal writer and blogger.
Adela is more inner directed than most. Though you wouldn't know that if you get her fired up on circles, consciousness, and community. She fondly refers to herself as a lone ranger, strange ranger and is partial to highly aware and deliciously intense creative people. She has a boundless yearning for exploring the inner depths and unleashing the creative genius that abides within. Her circles include guided visualizations, writing prompts, hearty laughter, and deep connection.
Adela has hosted and produced 34 virtual events, with hundreds of partners and thousands of participants, for the sheer joy of sharing her creative essence and eliciting yours.
Be your wildly creative self, darling! Welcome home.
join our Free monthly writing circle
first Thursday of the month
Participants Say ...
These circles have been so valuable to me, to be a part of amazing, deep women who get it and get me! I would recommend them for any woman and/or man who wants to learn more about themselves and who want to be supported in their creative and spiritual growth! I love Adela's way of supporting so effortlessly, always leading with a sense of humor and depth!
Ellen Newhouse ● Author & Healer
Adela was generous, deep hearted and supportive. She offered me a place and community for me to do one of the things I love to do...write. I also had a chance to connect with other women of like minds which is another thing I love to do.
Vida Groman ● Coach
This cherished community gave me the best support I had ever gotten. The experience allowed me to share my thoughts, feelings and voice. It put me in my power, and I am forever grateful for it. You are going to love Adela, AND how much creativity, inner wisdom and energy you will have by the end of it.
Paula D'Andrea ● Reset Expert
Free Your Creative Essence with Writing Circles
Experience the power and presence of your unique essence and take quantum leaps in your Life.
Participants Say ...
I needed a safe place to both express and develop what was going on within. The writing circle allowed me to share my thoughts, feelings and voice. It put me in my power, and I am forever grateful for it. You are going to love Adela, AND how much creativity, inner wisdom and energy you will have by the end of it.
Krista Moore ● Writer, Speaker, Healer
I find in this group a circle of love, acceptance, encouragement or just a witness to my words. My words find me during the time of space and connection. Some have called this a sacred connection. I call it an opportunity to find more of who you are.
Angela Barnes ● Author
This cherished community gave me the best support I had ever gotten. The experience allowed me to share my thoughts, feelings and voice. It put me in my power, and I am forever grateful for it. You are going to love Adela, AND how much creativity, inner wisdom and energy you will have by the end of it.
Paula D'Andrea ● Reset Expert
join our Free monthly writing circle
first Thursday of the month